Tuesday, November 27, 2012

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” - Louis L’Amour

The first post of a blog is always the most awkward. What do you say? What could I possible write down that would make people want to read what I have to say? Fortunately for me, I don't have to think about that because I have no intention of ever having any readers. This is for me and my sake only. There are only so many places you can truly speak your mind. The internet happens to be one of them. The internet, ladies and gentlemen, has probably saved my sanity. My mind is too fast or my hand is too slow to write my thoughts down on paper. By the time I'm done writing a phrase, the second has already left my brain and been forgotten. Thanks to my mother's tutelage, I can type almost as fast as I can think. Almost, is probably better. I need to think about things before I write them. Mull them over, digest them, before spitting them out on paper [or screen].
You might wonder why, if this is only for my sake, that I'm addressing you. I talk to myself enough. I need to be able to talk things through with another person, even if that person is just a figment of my imagination.
If by chance, you have come across this blog  and are wondering what kind of things you can expect to see in the later blog posts, I will tell you. In the unfortunate case that my blog title wasn't explicit enough, I am a writer. I have never finished a book, none the less, a writer, I am. This place will be my way to work through the ideas I'm currently obsessed with, as well as to rant about all the trouble I'm having. There might be times where I might just write: "I hate this." and that is all. There might be times that the post is so long that you have to go to the bathroom multiple times before you finish. This is what to expect.

I leave you now, with all my cards on the table. I can't promise this will be the most interesting blog, nor the most intriguing but at least there will be one less insane person in this world. That's all anyone can really ask for.

Forever Writing,

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